zetanor is a man but also more than a man as the term man describes a state of being which inhibits the conscious mind understanding glands and no being in recorded history has been able to provide a thorough description of the wholeness of man let alone a being which stands alone as a shining example of all that is virtuous but also all that must be revered and feared by any and all other beings

zetanor is an experiment with reality taken from an old research paper written in nineteen seventy-eight by a german physicist whose name was not recorded but whose passing for uncovering new stripes of matter have been materialized into pure science and distilled to obtain nothing but absolute chemistry and mathematics to describe the function of several if not all species that exist freely in our shared universe and consciousness intersection without any extratemporal restrictions

zetanor is the faint glow of darkness at night when the lights are dim and the moon shines its dark light onto the souls of all its witnesses and no man may grasp the meaning of such a soul-piercing ray of energy without ever doubting where any of it comes from but none of its names have been revealed before then

zetanor is a seven letter word that describes much more than a single word can represent in the thin membrane that is human memory but concepts so vague to an observer thus become a reality that is manifested by the sheer willpower of oneself thus allowing the decoupling of the mind and body into a projection across the space and time that exists within our world and beyond the universe as we know it into a reality so alien to mankind that no words would sufficiently modelize into the modern mind an approximate image of the unknown wilds that are and always will be within our reach

zetanor is both the question and the answer but together remain unsolved in a twist of fate comparable to the eternal abyss of such constructs as the mobius strip or the impossible trident but as an identity is created out of this idea the emerging animus will take form within its envisioned body and shall propagate infinite wisdom onto his peers and they shall be enlightened by the unspoken words of what could in some languages be described as the divine continuum

zetanor is not to be taken lightly but is also not a concept whose deconstruction may be undertaken by an external factor without being graced with untold information belonging only to those who cannot possibly seek it in their current form and must undergo elementary change of all quantifiable orders to become capable of accepting the missing links which will combine with existing knowledge to create absolute perfection in every conceivable sense of the words and even some which are not conceivable as of yet

zetanor is imagination beyond the metaphysical grasp of universal creation that both exists and does not but only as choices are made that would require the state to be determined but this metric exists as a spectrum rather than a binary representation and thus certain interactions with the physical world are modulated by various factors when the assumed value is outside the common realm of absolutes and such inreactions are governed by rules that have not yet been catalogued in any meaningful ways

zetanor is provided with all necessary facilities and required parts so as to make your experience as convenient as possible so long as all prerequisites remain fulfilled by those applying to receive the additional benefits of plunging head first into a pool of endless thoughts that may or may not be factual

zetanor is the dream that runs the river of beliefs which in turn hold all living organisms together in a single definite series of states which are iterated over through the functional forces surrounding the infinite cosmic boundaries and enables all manners of reciprocity within itself as well as on its standard euclidean surface thus forming what has been modelized as the various fields of philosophy studied througout the world by all cultures due to a single truth being seeked by unrelated agents whose goals converged into one