
Monospaced typefaces or fonts for programming

This document lays out what I personally look for in a typeface for use with terminal emulators and code editors, as well as my views on typefaces with which I've had a notable experience.


Bonus points

Top contender: PT Mono

URL: https://company.paratype.com/pt-sans-pt-serif

Available under the ad-hoc PT FFL 1.3 and the SIL OFL 1.1 licenses.

OpenType typeface principally designed by Alexandra Korolkova. Not designed specifically for screen use but performs well regardless. Tends to look good not matter how you throw it at the wall. Outstanding hinting. Usable with or without anti-aliasing. Some alignments are odd. This is currently my preferred monospaced typeface.

Mirrors available here:

The other guy: Terminus


Available under the SIL OFL 1.1 license.

Bitmap typeface by Dimitar Toshkov Zhekov. Outline conversions exist but I found the non-strike sizes to be unusable. Doesn't italicize very well. I use the ll2 and td1 variants. I switch to it periodically.


Click here for image samples of these typefaces.

The pit
